Coaching represents a collaborative partnership between coach and client. Establishing trust, openness and honesty facilitates a thorough exploration of the clients strengths, challenges, and goals. It takes time and commitment to make meaningful change in one’s life, this why I offer different coaching packages designed to help you with your journey.
One Step at a Time
Explore your self-awareness one step at a time
Sessions are available on a pay as you go schedule
$130 CAD Coaching Session (50 minutes)
$195 CAD Discovery Session (90 minutes)
$78 CAD Closing Session (30 minutes)
Explore your self-awareness while determining if coaching aligns with your needs
1 Discovery session (90 minutes)
6 Coaching sessions (50 minutes each)
1 Closing session (30 minutes)
Discovery Expansion
add on within 2 weeks of completing the discovery package
6 additional Coaching sessions
1 closing session
Kids Discovery
Gain self awareness as we explore strengths, struggles and goals
1 Discovery session (90 minutes)
6 Coaching sessions (30-40 minute each)
1 Closing session (30 minutes)
2 Parent Check in sessions (20 minutes each)
Nurture your self awareness as we navigate your path forward
1 Discovery session (90 minutes)
12 Coaching Sessions
(50 minutes each)
1 Closing session (30 minutes)
Student Packages
Available for Post Secondary students
Package A is intended for Post Secondary students in Ontario. It is designed to be in alignment with the funding accessible through OSAP
Package B is designed to give students the ongoing support they need to be successful in their academic career.
*Sessions must be used within the academic school year.
Stay on your path with monthly sessions
1 session per month (50 minutes each)
2 sessions per month (50 minutes each)
Book a 20 minute complimentary call to learn more
* All prices are in Canadian Dollars